Not To Be Treated As Precedent: A Caveat of Uncommon Law

One would have recently observed a few orders by the Hon’ble Supreme Court (and also the High Courts) wherein they include a caveat that the order is not to be treated as a precedent. We’ll call these “Non-Precedential Caveat”. This article contends that such caveats exceed the judicial mandate of the Supreme Court and, by natural extension, the High Courts. The premise is that these caveats are antithetical to Article 14 and the principles of Common Law that are followed and recognised in India. Furthermore, it attacks future judicial discretion while conflicting with established judicial practices. At the outset it


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Artificial Intelligence: Challenging the Status Quo of Jurisprudence

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Jurisprudence has always faced challenges by innovations, socio-economic developments, and changes in the political landscape. However, as various aspects of life are increasingly involving artificial intelligence, jurisprudence now faces a few of the most complex challenges. The legal fraternity requires much better acquaintance with the technical space as the new policies that they will draw will directly influence the products developed by engineers. To understand the parallelism which one can draw between Artificial Intelligence and Law, let’s walk through a few autonomous systems where AI is already confronting the legal field.
